sabato 2 luglio 2011


25°17'12N 51°31'60E   T. 32°- 39 °C

Do you remember the visit "Islam at Katara" I told you about some days ago? Well, I did it yesterday and it was totally worth it!!!! First of all I want to focus on the extreme kindness of the qatari guides (all volunteers) who explained us the Islamic culture, the way they pray and the way they live..
We took part in a light meal sitting on the ground with them after the evening prayer and, at the end of the tour, we were all given a present in sign of acknowledgement....and everything was for free and extremely well organised. What else???
During the whole visit I tried on the Abaya (the female typical black dress) and that was definitely the greatest experience of the day, because I could feel part of them and it was a kind of trying to understand Islam...
Don't worry, it was just for one day, but now I can say that is not that bad, because you don't suffer the heat, you even look elegant and you don't have to think about matching clothes every morning when you fight with your closet!!!
I think I should buy my own one, shouldn't I? ;-)

If you want to see more just click here below:

facebook - album Muslim for a Day

Whatever open-hearth.

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