lunedì 21 febbraio 2011

Ready? Steady?....BOH!

45°28'N  009°12'E
my first what saying? the story is about to know what I'm referring to.. just a couple of weeks and, the big jump, We'll move to Doha, Qatar. 2 words: Middle East. Not my so called "secret wish" indeed, but, sure enough, a worth living experience..
I've never thought about moving so far away, and if I had, it would have been for no longer than a holiday-time, but now we're talking about moving; packing our whole life and go.
Scared? Doubtful? Excited? so so... It's difficult to explain what I feel inside myself now...may be that's why I decided to start this blog and to write in english, that is not my mother tongue, but it gives me the possibility to express myself gives me a sort of shelter from reality, in which I can write everything and bare my soul without feeling naked.
Anyway, what I do need now is to be encouraged of course. Every jump needs some light push, doesn't it? And, fortunately, we're surrounded by people who keep on supporting us in our choice.
Our families, our friends. This is the strongest challenge to face up: leave them for one year or more, recreate our "Little-Milan" in a new big town,  than come back one day and find our world exactly as we left it.
.......ahhh don't want to turn this post in a sort of a boring-tragic farewell but it depends on my mood only: one day I wake up self-confident and sure to "dive in", otherwise, some day it's only enough to see a sad glance of a friend, whose eyes seem saying "I will miss you", and all my castle fall down.
In these cases that's only one thing to do: lying on a sofa, watching Sex&the City 2 thinking about myself  in Doha as Carrie in Abu Dhabi....

Whatever, open-hearth.

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